From our Shared Mobility Workshops and Speculative Co-Design with Citizens and Stakeholders, we developed the Friction Cards – A new transformation tool that can help you challenge Future Mobility scenarios in a playful and adaptable way.
Friction Cards can be used in mobility design activities to communicate the insights from design ethnography fieldwork and the different online and on-site workshops with citizens and project stakeholders. They are divided into two sets. One contains categories like Community & Reputation, Convenience & Access, Mobility & Transport, and Privacy & Cost of building blocks for further investigations into shared mobility in people’s real-life circumstances. The other opens a stage for debate and re-imagination of current mobility solutions through “what-if”, “how”, and “who” questions. They provoke thinking about social aspects and trigger considerations of infrastructure-related factors and bring in actors and stakes that might otherwise be less visible.
What if I cannot use a smartphone? What if an SAV suddenly stops? What if I live on an unpaved road? How do I connect to other passengers? How much do we need to know about the passengers?

In AHAII, we have used these cards as a by themselves or in combination with our Common Ground Game to guide, challenge and re-engage co-design encounters around our Speculative Narratives and contrasting future mobility scenarios in workshops with stakeholders, citizens and guests. It has helped us bring out new dimensions and attention points and to re-frame and question established ideas and narratives about future mobility.