Get involved in AHAII – Bergum Gunnilse Olofstorp!

The AHA2 project is gaining speed in the area!

Nu har projekt AHAII kommit igång, och just nu rekryterar vi boende på Bergum/Gunnilse/Olofstorp för att delta i våra intervjuer, prova-på aktiviteter och co-design workshopar. You can meet researchers from the project for a number of activities while still making sure the safety recommendations are respected.

We are currently conducting online interviews where we would like to learn more about your experience with living, working and moving around in and from the area. Then, you are invited to drive along with us and show us the places, routes and activities that matter to you in your everyday life – we will follow your lead with our research car. Finally, you can be part of an online workshop with some of your neighbours, friends or teammates where you get to co-design an experiment with an autonomous vehicle to share among you.

Sign up below if you would like to:

  • Participe in an interview where you show researchers what it is like to live in the area and to travel in and out of it
  • Share your experience moving around in the area through a drive-along interview from a place of your choice
  • Take part in a workshop designing your own shared autonomous vehicle service
  • Get more information about the project and tell others about it

How would you like to engage in the project?